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Redbud 'Hearts A'Fire'
Light: Full to Part Sun
Type: Tree
This is a cultivar a.k.a "nativar" of the native redbud
Photo by New Blooms Nursery
Introduced in 2024, this tree is an improved version of the Flame Thrower Redbud. Deeper red coloration with bright greens make this tree a real show stopper in the garden. A cross between the burgundy colored and golden redbuds, the Hearts A'fire dazzles with multiple colors, burgundy, red, orange, and deep and bright greens, all simultaneously in the foliage on each branch. The size of the Flame Thrower is similar to that of the Rising Sun, keeping it small, topping out at 15 feet high and 15 feet wide. Like most other redbuds, it is a low maintenance tree and can tolerate full sun with less scorch and fading than Flame Thrower, but does best in morning or afternoon sun. (Source: New Blooms Nursery)
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